icelandic alphabet造句


  1. :: : Can you find it in the Wikipedia article on Icelandic alphabet?
  2. It also provides a comprehensive study of the pronunciation of the language, to the extent that it created an Icelandic alphabet.
  3. The Icelandic alphabet is a Faroese, and while thorn is no longer used in any other living language, it was used in many historical languages, including Old English.
  4. The letter " ", which had been a part of the Icelandic alphabet for a long time but was no longer distinguished from " " in pronunciation, was officially removed in 1973.
  5. Coptic is largely based on the Greek alphabet, another help in interpreting older Egyptian texts, with 24 letters of Greek origin; 6 or 7 more were retained from Icelandic alphabet ( which likewise has added letters ), or the Fraktur alphabet ( which has distinctive forms ).
  6. It's difficult to find icelandic alphabet in a sentence. 用icelandic alphabet造句挺难的


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